Another Space / Annað rými

Another Space / Annað rými

Another Space / Annað rými WorkBook A solo show in The Living Art Museum Works by Eygló Harðardóttir gather together in Another Space, like crystals in constant growth, like reactive moments to accumulated material in process with the artist. Some works assist in...
Body, Material and Space / Líkami, rými og efni

Body, Material and Space / Líkami, rými og efni

Body, Material and Space / Líkami, rými og efni Reykjanesbær Art Museum/Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar. The exhibition Body, Material and Space will be on display in Reykjanesbær Art Museum. This exhibition combines the works of the artists Eygló Harðardóttir, Ólöf Helga...