Body, Material and Space / Líkami, rými og efni

Reykjanesbær Art Museum/Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar.

The exhibition Body, Material and Space will be on display in Reykjanesbær Art Museum. This exhibition combines the works of the artists Eygló Harðardóttir, Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir and Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir. What connects the three artists is their strong sense of material and how their work revolves around the structure of art, form, colour, space and time. Paper connects all three works but through very different approaches. In the works of Eygló, who has studied the interaction of color, the edge of her works has as much importance as the body as you can see the interaction between the colors in the environment where they are displayed. Curator Inga Þórey Jóhannsdóttir. See more: Text by Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir

Composition, 2015, in three parts (left) / Paper, acryl, wood, iron thread. Lotus II 2015-18 (front) / Paper, oil pastel, pencil, glass.


Game, 2015-18 / Paper, soft pastel, pencil, wood, glass.

Lotus II


Five, 2015 / Paper, acryl, wood.