Conspiracy of Pleasure/Nautn – 2016-17 

Akureyri Art Museum/Listasafnið á Akureyri, Akureyri and LA Museum/ Listasafn Árnesinga, Iceland The focal point of this exhibition is the various laws and manifestations of pleasure. New works from six artists who approach the concept, each from their own perspective...

Parallel Views – 2015

Týsgallerí  These days artist Eygló Harðardóttir is exhibiting her work at Týsgallerí, at Týsgata 3 in Reykjavík. The exhibition’s heading, Parallel Views (Samsíða sjónarhorn), refers to a specific method of displaying three dimensions on a two dimensional surface...

Relational System/Venslakerfi – 2015  

Harbinger; Artist-run Space, Reykjavík, Iceland The positioning of the works creates a context. They were produced with the space in mind, and deal with three-dim­ensional painting. Through technical and material experiments with paper and wood, the works have...

The Village – 2008

When concrete made its entry into Iceland the early twentieht century a new chapter began in the history of Icelandic architecture. Farm buildings with turf walls disappeared into the past and wooden houses became less common. Concrete had a positive impact on the...