In a Larger Context / Í stærra samhengi

In a Larger Context / Í stærra samhengi

 The Living Art Museum/Nýlistasafnið, Reykjavík, IcelandWorks by Eygló Harðardóttir gather together in Another Space, like crystals in constant growth, like reactive moments to accumulated material in process with the artist. Some works assist in displacing the space...
Stadir / Places

Stadir / Places

Summer 2021. PLACES is a biannual exhibition project and mobile residency in the Westfjords, Iceland that began with the aim of initiating a platform for artists to develop new work, permanent or time-based, with close connection to nature or historical and...
Bibendum Exhibition

Bibendum Exhibition

December 2020 – March 2021. Solo show at Gúmmívinnustofan a Wheel Workshops in Reykjavík, ASI Art Museum. Curator: Elísabet Gunnarsdóttir director of ASI Art Museum.
Across The Golden Bridge

Across The Golden Bridge

Man 30th – September 30th 2020. ACROSS THE GOLDEN BRIDGE is the third in a series of five summer exhibitions initiated by the Reykjavik Association of Sculptors, leading up to the Association’s 50th anniversary in 2022. The works are all new commissions, created...
Landvist at Stóri-Klofi

Landvist at Stóri-Klofi

July 25th-August 29th 2020 Group exhibition called Landvist at Stóri-Kofi, Iceland. Eleven artists will exhibit their work this year at Stóri-Klofi: Borghildur Óskarsdóttir, Eygló Harðardóttir, Guðjón Ketilsson, Hannes Lárusson, Hildur Hákonardóttir, Leifur...
On Common Ground

On Common Ground

September 5th – 26th 2020 Group exhibition at Korpúlfsstaðir. On Common Ground was conceived as an invitational exhibition to bring together Icelandic artists and artists from Lithuania and Poland who are presently living and working in Iceland. The purpose of...