November 23d 2019. Group show at Maniere noire an artist run space in north Berlin.
Invited artists: Ásta Fanney Sigurdardóttir, Gavin Morrison, Arild Tveito, Eygló Hardardóttir, Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir,
Örn Alexander Ámundason, Una Margrét Árnadóttir and Gudrún Benónýsdóttir.
Curators: Gudrún Benónýsdóttir and Ana Victoria Bruno.

Gudrún Benónýsdóttir /´uns is the curator of Manière Noire from August 2019, initiating a new series of events
and exhibitions for ´uns at Maniere noire.
´uns at Manière Noire, Waldenserstr. 7a,10551 Berlin, Germany