Visual artist Eygló Harðardóttir was named the Artist of the Year for her solo exhibition ‘Another Space’ at the Living Art Museum.
Eygló Harðardóttir (b. 1964) is the recipient of the Art Award 2019 for her aptly named exhibition Another Space in The Living Art Museum. With work which simultaneously was dainty and coarse, made from delicate materials, the artist opened up doorways for the viewer to enter and increase their perception and sensitivity instead of the usual rationalism. Eygló seems concerned with the viewers sensing that there is no one correct answer, that all dimensions are equally important and that their experience can be personal and limitless. The works were wide open for interpretation.
It is the jury´s opinion that Eygló´s exhibition showed all her main characteristics; a passion for art, an unbridled creation, a profound curiosity of the functionality of the inscrutable, and dissemination and teaching which is apparent in the trust she placed in the viewers in their interpretation of the work.