Eygló Harðardóttir
Born in Reykjavík 1964

2014  M.A. in Arts Education, Iceland Academy of the Arts
2005  B.Ed. in teacher education, Iceland University of Education
1987-90  AKI – Academy of Art & Design/Fine Art, Enschede, Holland
1983-87  Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik, Iceland

Part-time teaching
2019  Einar Granum School of Fine Art, Oslo, Norway
2000-  Iceland University of the Arts
1999-  The Reykjavík School of Visual Art

2018  Department of Fine Arts, Iceland Academy of the Arts
2014  Lecture at Hugarflug, A work of art as a source of suggestions regarding a three-dimensional approach for colour study, Iceland Academy of the Arts. Lecture on Colours, The Reykjavik School of Visual Arts. Lecture on Colours, a lecture on the spatial context of colour, the origin and nature of colour and use of colour in political context for  groups and project leaders of “Wind of change”
2010  Department of Fine Arts, Iceland Academy of the Arts
2008  Art Ii Biennale, Nordic Environmental Art, Structure, Impacts, Practices. “Autobiographical relation to Icelandic Environment”
2002  Department of Fine Arts, Iceland Academy of the Arts
2002  The Reykjavík School of Visual Art
1997  The Living Art Museum

2020  The Iceland Visual Arts fund / Myndlistarsjóður: Project Grant / Covid-19
2019   Recipient of the Art Award: Artist of the year, for the exhibition Another Space/Annað rými, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
2018  The Iceland Visual Arts fund/Myndlistarsjóður: Project Grant
2017  The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association/Myndstef: Educational and Travel Grant
2016  The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association/Myndstef: Project Grant
2015  The Iceland Visual Arts fund/Myndlistarsjóður: Project Grant
2011  CIA Center for Icelandic Arts; Support for residencies abroad, Muggur residency and travel grant
1997, 2002, 2005-2007, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019  The Visual artists’ Stipend Fund of the Government of Iceland/Listamannalaun. Artist Salary Grant; 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 9 months, 3 months, 3 months 1 year, 6 months.
2006  CIA Center fo Icelandic Art; Support for residencies abroad, Muggur residency and travel grant
2005  Projects grants from the; The Icelandic Ministry and Culture, Visual Art Copyright Association, Visual Artists Association in Iceland
1998  Sleipnir – The Nordic Council, travel grant

Membership ETC
Exhibition committee: The Sculpture Association: Hjólið/The wheel (2021-).
Board member: Richard Serra’s art Prize Iceland (2019-).
Board member: Icelandic Public Buildings Art Fund (2016-2019).
Board member: National Gallery of Iceland (2002-2006).
Board member: The Living Art Museum (1993-1995).
Board member: Suðsuðvestur an artist-run exhibition space (2006-2012).
Reykjavík Association of Sculptures.
The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists.
The Living Art Museum.

2020-21  Stadir/Places, Tálknafjörður, Iceland
2019-21  Experiment-Eider, Reykjanes, Iceland
2019-20  Kriti Gallery and Artist Residency, Varanasi, India
2018  WSW, Upstate New York
2017  WSW, Upstate New York
2011  MoKS – Center for Art and Social Practice, Mooste, Estonia
2008  Art Ii Biennale, KultturiKaupilla Ii Finland
2006  Open Studios Prague, Czech Republic
2006  Gumusluk Akademy, Cultural Foundation for the Arts and Center for Scientific Research, Turkey
1997  The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art: Residency at the NIFCA studio, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland

National Gallery of Iceland
Reykjavík Art Museum
The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
RUV, The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service
Kultuurikauppila, Ii, Finland
Women’s Studio Workshop, WSW NY
The Met – The Metropolitan Museum NY (Sculptur, Artbook)

Solo Exhibitions
2022  In a Larger Context, Mosfellsbær’s Art Gallery, Iceland  
2022  Reloading – Dream I, Gallery Underpass, Reykjavík, Iceland
2021  Smiðsbúðin, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2021  Nordic Music Days, Hustle and Bustle with Ríkharður H. Friðriksson, Tutl Records, Thorshavn, Faroe islands.
2021  Stadir/Places, Muggstofa Bíldudalur; Paradigm-Visual diary, Artbook. Sel; Between worlds, installation, Fossfjörður, Iceland.
2020  Three Circles/Þrír hringfarar, The Wheel/Hjólið, Across the Golden Bridge, outdoor art exhibition series, initiated by Reykjavík Association of Sculptures. Iceland.
2020  Bibendum exhibition, curated by ASI Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2019  Masks/Grímur, The Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum/Safnasafnið, North Iceland
2019  Game. Kompan, Artist-run space at the old Communal House, Siglufjörður, North Iceland
2018  Another Space/Annað rými. The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2017  Making Sense/Að ná áttum. WWW Gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland
2015  Relational system/Venslakerfi. Harbinger, Reykjavík, Iceland
2015  Parallel view/Samsíða sjónarhorn. Týsgalleri, Reykjavík, Iceland
2013  exit –  a diagram of memories/arkitektúr hugans – útleið. ASÍ Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2012-13  Afterimages/Ljósdraugar. The Sculpture Garden, Reykjavík, Iceland
2009  Terrain/Völlur. The University Library of Akureyri, Iceland
2007  Absorbed/Leiðsla. ASÍ Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2006  Fortune telling and genius/Spádómar og snilligáfa. Suðsuðvestur Exhibition Space, Iceland
2005  Innside/Outside/Innlit/útlit. Fugl Project Space, Reykjavík, Iceland
2004  Gallery 02, Akureyri, Iceland
2003  The Dome. Reykjavík Art Museum, Ásmundarsafn, Iceland
2002  Appearing Perceptions/Skynjanir sem sýnast.
2002  The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland.
2002  The National and University Library of Iceland.
2002  Borgarnes Museum of Art, Iceland
1999  Gallery Slunkaríki Ísafirði, Iceland
1998  The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
1996  Gallery + Akureyri, Iceland
1995  Gallery Sævars Karls, Reykjavík
1995  Slunkaríki, Ísafirði, Iceland
1994  The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland

Group Exhibitions
2023  Long Weekend#3, Midgard Base Camp, Hvolsvöllur, Iceland
2022  Experiment – Eider and Farmer, The Nordic House, Reykjavík, Iceland
2022  Experiment – Eider and Farmer, Svavarssafn, Höfn í Hornafirði, Iceland
2022  Long weekend#2, Hotel Hafnarfjall, Iceland 
2021  Gletta Exhibition Space, Borgarfjörður Eystri, Iceland  
2020  Mediums / Miðill, Landvist at Stóri Klofi, Iceland
2020  On Common Ground, Korpúlfsstadir, Reykjavík
2020  Com’on, SIM, Reykjavík
2019 Mild Humidity – The Digital Age of Aquarius / Lítilsháttar væta – Stafræn öld vatnsberans. The Factory, Hjalteyri, Iceland
2019  Rolling Snowball / 12 / Rúllandi Snjóbolti / 12 Djúpivogur, Iceland
2018  Journey to Home/Leiðin heim. Reykjavík Arts Festival with Wind and Weather Window Gallery, Iceland
2018  Other Hats – Icelandic Printmaking/Ýmissa kvikinda líki – Íslensk grafík. The National Gallery of Iceland
2018   Inside – WWWG Five Year Anniversary Exhibition. The Cellar / Kjallarinn Geysir Heima, Reykjavík, Iceland
2017  Other Hats: Printmaking in Iceland, IPCN: International Print Center New York
2016-17  Conspiracy of Pleasure/Nautn. Akureyri Art Museum/Listasafnið á Akureyri, Akureyri and LA Museum/ Listasafn Árnesinga, Iceland
2016  Natural Tendencies. ‘uns Artbook publication presents an exhibition at the bar at Hotel Holt, Reykjavík, Iceland
2015-16  Eyborg Guðmundsdóttir&Eygló Harðardóttir, Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art, East Iceland
2015-16  Threshold/Mörk, LA Museum/Listasafn Árnesinga, Hveragerði, Iceland
2014  Color/Litur. Dalir og hólar, art exhibition, Iceland
2013  Site-specific art at Óskastígur, Reykjavík, Iceland
2012  With Sound. Hoffmannsgalleri, Reykjavík, Iceland
2011  New Acquisitions/Aðföng. Kjarvalsstaðir, Iceland
2011  Somewhere Along Those Lines/Eitthvað í þá áttina. Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar, Iceland
2011  Innsight/Innsýn. The Factory, Hjalteyri, Iceland
2009  Light blue/Ljósblátt. Laugavegurinn, Reykjavík, Iceland
2009  Illumination/Lýsingar. Galleri BOA, Norway
2008  The Village. ART Ii Biennale, Finland
2008  Art and Science/List og fræð.i Hoffmannsgalleri, Reykjavík, Iceland
2007  INFO-PHR Korpúlfsstaðir, Iceland
2007  SPIK Research Project, The Icelandic Seal Center, Hvammstanga, Iceland
2006  National Gallery of Iceland
2006  Salt Water&Sweet Water. INFO-PHR Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany
2006  INFO-PHR Gallery Skolska 28 Prague, Czech Republic
2005  Fish Eye Project/ De outforskade rynkorna, Research Project. Gallery Konstepidemin, Göteborg, Sweden
2005  AREA 53 Vienna Austria
2005  Polis. Galeria Design, Wroclaw, Poland
2004  Fluxus Links. Icelandic works 1964-2001. National Gallery of Iceland
2004  The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2002  20 Years of Icelandic Art. Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik
2001  Gallery Slunkaríki, Ísafirði, Iceland
2001  Bright nights. Hvammstanga, Iceland
2000  Landart by Rauðavatn. Reykjavík, Reykjavik Cultural City of Europe
2000  The  Coastline/Strandlengjan 2000. Reykjavik Cultural City of Europe
1999  Land. Árnessýsla’s Art Museum, Iceland
1998  The Living Art Museum 20 years. The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
1997  Alleys/Portmyndir. Exhibition in alleys, by the main shopping street in Reykjavík, Iceland
1996  Tukt. The Siðumuli Prison: Exhibition held in a newly deserted prison, Reykjavík, Iceland
1995  A Sort of Everyday Romance/Einskonar hversdagsrómantík. Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland
1995  The Living Art Museum Reykjavík, Iceland

Other Projects
2018  The Artbook “Another Space/Annað rými” Launched at the solo show Another Space at The Living Art Museum
2017  Sign/Teikn: Performance, Beyond Human Impulses/Ofar mannlegum hvötum at Mengi, Reykjavík, Iceland
2017  The Artbook “Sculpture”; Book launch at Bækur á bakvið / Books in the back, Reykjavík
2016  The Artbook “Sculpture”; Book launch at Büro BDP, Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin
2014  The Pillar, ASÍ Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
2014   Hustle and Bustle IV/Ys og þys IV, Electroacoustic at Dark Music Days, Harpa concert hall, Reykjavík, Iceland
2013   Raflost, Festival of Electronic Arts, Hustle and Bustle II/Ys og þys II, Reykjavík, Iceland
2013   Sequences VI – real time art festival, Hustle and Bustle III/Ys og þys III, The Sculpture Garden, Reykjavík, Iceland